Tore Says
The Tore Says Show
Fri 21 Aug: Hijack - General Coup - Unhappy Coalition - ChiCom Dollars - Behind All Scenes - BOA And BLM - Gold Star Moves

Fri 21 Aug: Hijack - General Coup - Unhappy Coalition - ChiCom Dollars - Behind All Scenes - BOA And BLM - Gold Star Moves

The process of our election is being circumvented. Amazing things are happening at eye level. The DNC is a total con. Censorship on the right is real. ShadowGate is proving it all. Dim cringefest left lots of hints. Street cred versus mask messaging. It's soft and to the left. Strange leaks now surround Snowden. All their info is according to experts. Stay sharp and watch for movie night.

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