Tore Says
The Tore Says Show
Tue 03 Jan: Beautiful Lies I - Jackie Omg - Old School - Crypto Moves - Wife Watch - Too Pretty - Script Written

Tue 03 Jan: Beautiful Lies I - Jackie Omg - Old School - Crypto Moves - Wife Watch - Too Pretty - Script Written

So many of our traditions and beliefs are now being exposed as scripted myths. First, some crypto moves and bank warnings. The Series 3 test and what it shows. It's all about investment and return levels. A JFK mashup with a detailed look at the Mrs. The first lady and the CAA. Some say she was too pretty and upscale. Between sisters there grew a wide emotional distance. A high price to pay for honesty. Bloodline wars are real. No one flips on the agency. When they have children everything changes. George Magazine complications. Documents never to be made public. What was lost in that recent house fire? The source of a need for vengance. The Onassis questions. Famous parties on big yachts. Could she really stand her husband? All those affairs. The body guards always have the best stories. Protect me and I'll protect you. Like a well oiled machine. The truth is undeniable that all this has been going on forever.

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