Tore Says
The Tore Says Show
Tue 15 Feb: On A Ride - Time Review - Broken Record - Crowd Intel - DeBanked - Conquer State - Funding MSM

Tue 15 Feb: On A Ride - Time Review - Broken Record - Crowd Intel - DeBanked - Conquer State - Funding MSM

For those just catching up, today's events were covered here long ago. Let's look back and see how current events unfold. Discernment is a highly learned skill. The useless media are nothing but script readers, and everyone is playing a role. Spent cards don't help in the game. When it's easy, they ban you. What happens when options run out? The genius of crowd sourced intelligence work. Like a broken record we must keep repeating the facts. It's all moving at a dangerous speed. Killary's bribes and very deep state $$$. The blacklisting of enemies is what fascist regime's do. When does denial of service get criminal? The Russia versus ChyNa models. The criminal MSM still gets funded. Political prisoners are real in America. Know your rights and facts, because all this insanity stops only when we say so.

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