Tore Says
The Tore Says Show
Wed 17 Aug: Top Targets - Election Feds - Hacker DHS - Peach Pit - Goal Blackmail - Sitting Idle - Choking Law

Wed 17 Aug: Top Targets - Election Feds - Hacker DHS - Peach Pit - Goal Blackmail - Sitting Idle - Choking Law

To truly understand election fraud, we must look within our own government. The truth about DHS hacking. A planned effort to federalize elections. Kemp of Georgia provided a good record. The critical infrastructure designation means controlling it. 48 states gave up their election sovereignty. Constantly pushing the narrative. Intent is key. Penetration tests and cyber hygiene scans. Why the guise, guys? Project Veritas scores again. Let's do pen and paper elections with counting eyes on ballots. Upchurch destroys the mystery case myths. MSM finds Epstein again. The alphas ignore horrors for intel blackmail. Digging deep for something Earth shattering. Caging thoughts is impossible. Anti gunners, subjective standards, CCW permits and rights violations. A past coup strategy of election night pauses, hacks and scams. DJT and election deals. Sometimes we must let people show themselves, while we also pledge to never give up the fight.

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